...and if ever there was a place dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure - Cancun is it! Now, granted, pleasure means alot of different things to alot of different people and Cancun caters for everyone. It can compete hands down with the Costa del Sol with it's pints of dubious cocktails, wet T shirt comps, sombreros and mind-numbingly loud music (I use the term loosely). So if that whets your whistle just step out of the confines of the resort and hey presto....la vida loca. If, on the other hand, all you need to relax is a beautiful beach, clear turquoise water the temperature of a warm bath, a drinks waiter and a couple of good books - Cancun does that too - and how!
Heidi and I had an idyllic week shooting the breeze, making no plans and wondering over how fraudulent we felt in such a swanky resort!
The highlight was undoubtedly swimming with the dolphins. Indescribable creatures; gentle, intelligent, sassy, and unexpectedly strong. Having been kissed, bear hugged, jumped over, herded and (in my case) goosed - the piece de resistance was being propelled from behind by two dolpins pushing our feet. Amazing! I felt as if I had the imprint of a dolphin snout on my foot for hours afterwards!
Meeting up with Toriann and Heather albeit very briefly came a close second to the dolphins I have to say. The girls are travelling around the world for a year and just happened to be in our vicinity for our last night. I met Toriann whilst nannying and having got to know her well over the past few months was not in the slightest bit surprised to find out that they had left the rest of their party, taken a bus and a taxi just to spend a couple of hours with us - before doing the whole thing again (including some pretty hardcore price negotiations on Toriann's part) a couple of hours later to get home! You rock, T!