It's a possum says Mike. Of course it is - silly me - how could I have been so stupid - I used to have possum wandering through my garden in Warwick ALL the time......errrrrrrrr NOT. Granted my geography sucks - but I know that Dame Edna thinks that possums only live in Australia - and I believe her! This thing was fearless - very slow and not averse to having his photo taken (as you can see). Anyway - thank goodness for Wikipedia. Technically (sorry to publicize your wrongness Mikey ;-)) he was an 'O'possum - which are native of the Americas. The creature I was thinking of is a Possum (minus the 'O') - which is an Australasian mammal - so woo hoo to Dame Edna - she was right after all. Personally I think the 'O' is for 'Oh my giddy aunt there's a creature the size of a large cat tiptoeing through my daffodils' but that's just me:-)
G'day Possums.....