Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sweet justice!

So - the story behind our acquisition of the four legged member of out family is that we were on our way to look at new sofas when we were 'diverted' to Gig Harbor by a request by the breeders to visit the pups that very day rather than the next day as we had planned. So we (for 'we' read 'I') never got the nice new sofa to replace the filthy, ratty, flea-bitten 'college' couch I love so much.

However - between the two of them, my husband and dog have had the last laugh - to which the attached picture will attest. Where on earth would our totally spoilt dog have laid his handsome head if we'd had a pristine new sofa sitting where the old one does?

Oh well - you can't have it all! Not much beats sitting on a beat up old sofa with a heap of soft snoozing fur on your lap :-)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sun at last....!

After what seems like weeks of wearing a hundred layers of clothes (day and night!) I finally ventured out today WITH NO COAT. I knew it was warm as Fergus even managed to muster up a couple of pants during the walk. It was was such a tonic to feel the warmth of the sun on my face - a feeling obviously shared by the garden as the crocuses and daffodils seem to have grown at least 3 inches in the past couple of days.

I got to dog-sit today (by choice) whilst Mike, Heidi and Kristian sailed Kristian's new boat from Lake Union to Elliot Bay. Yes - I'd be lying if I didn't say I wish I'd been there - especially given the weather - but I'm guessing there will be other opportunities - fingers crossed!

My compensation earlier this week was a killer view of the Olympics whilst out walking with Duncan. I thank my lucky stars everytime I see those beautiful mountains out across Elliot Bay and wonder what I did to deserve living in such a wonderful place. A little part of me always wishes Mum and Dad or any of my family and friends were here to share the view - but at least it always prompts me to think of them - so they are there in spirit!